First frost

Bode looking at frost predawn today
Bode was ready to go out to look around at the frost this morning. It wasn’t a hard one, the plants in the flower bed on the south side of the building were fine, but the squash vines on the compost heap were nipped.
I took mother and father for a ride to Smicksburg yesterday afternoon. After a cool, cloudy morning, the wind blew in some sunshine and it turned out to be beautiful.
Smicksburg scene
They were starting to set up for a three day fall festival. We did a little bit of shopping but the main thing was to have a day out. My dad hasn’t been driving since he had a hernia repair operation almost three weeks ago.
When it was still clear at dusk, figured that we were likely to get frost. While I was out covering some plants, got to see the full moon rise.
Full moon
The moonlight was so strong that the cat decided it must be morning at about 4 am when it started coming in my bedroom window.
Looks like we will be having another beautiful fall day today.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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