Category Archives: Crochet

wet spring continues

Blue clouds of forget-me-not appeared in my yard as the last daffodils faded. The hostas are coming up. The Weigela bush is starting to leaf out, usually blooms toward the end of May. My neighbors have cherry blossoms, magnolia, and … Continue reading

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still winter

Yesterday morning it was 5°F (-15°C) when I let Bode out, brrrr. That thaw that ended a little over a week ago got people’s hopes up, but winter is still showing its teeth. During the thaw I saw flying insects … Continue reading

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social networking and lent

I checked to see if blogging about giving up following Yahoo Groups for Lent registered in any search engines. It is not an exhaustive study, but it appears that many people gave up Facebook this year: Dad Wonders If He … Continue reading

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lots going on…

This year my Lenten Journey involved giving up Yahoo! Groups. It turned out to be more of a sacrifice than anticipated as I then learned the Celt’s Vintage Crochet site had officially closed and all the doily patterns there had … Continue reading

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first crocus

This afternoon when I was out between rain showers with Bode saw some tiny yellow crocuses blooming in the grass between the sidewalk and curb at a house where a gardener lives. The birds out back in the trees have … Continue reading

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