Category Archives: Knitting

Gotcha plus six months

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Hard to believe that it has been six months already. Atticus and I are still getting acquainted and there are still surprises. At first Atticus was afraid to ride in the car. Giving him plenty of good places to go … Continue reading

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Advent sunrise

  One of the benefits of living with a dog is that sometimes when you wouldn’t think of going out, they insist and you see beautiful skies. I am still living in a rented room. I’ve finished a pair of … Continue reading

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owning up

I am hearing a lot being said about how compromise is good. It is, but you need to be careful, some things are non-negotiable. In the techie world it is often the goal to find what is “necessary and sufficient” … Continue reading

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fog and frost

This is the second frosty morning of the season, not really a hard frost. The temperature is hovering near freezing and there is ground fog softening the edges on what will probably later be a crisp, clear day. The water … Continue reading

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still winter

Yesterday morning it was 5°F (-15°C) when I let Bode out, brrrr. That thaw that ended a little over a week ago got people’s hopes up, but winter is still showing its teeth. During the thaw I saw flying insects … Continue reading

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