Monthly Archives: September 2007

still under the weather

Bode got up before 7, but waited until it was light enough to go out. It was 65°F and foggy. We stayed out quite a while, with several rest stops for me on benches. I am still not feeling well, … Continue reading

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September so far

The weather has been glorious, cool nights and mornings and warm afternoons. Unfortunately Bode developed a hot spot on his right hip last weekend. The vet worked him in on Monday. Bode has his hip shaved around the palm size … Continue reading

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Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week

I usually write my own blog entries, but I need to pass this on. This month marks two years that I have been on disability due to mitochondrial myopathy. September 16 – September 22, 2007 is National Mitochondrial Disease Awareness … Continue reading

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