Monthly Archives: August 2005

Farmer’s market – August

Wow, two posts in one day! This is a bit of a crash day, went through things that could be done sitting down this morning, then went to the Farmer’s Market in Zeidler Union Square. I was thinking of buying … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, General, Photos | 1 Comment

early wakeup

Yesterday morning I went back to sleep for a few hours then got onto the scooter to travel through fog to meet Sally and Eldeen at 8. It was cool so glad I had a sweater along. Sally brought Savanna, … Continue reading

Posted in General, Moving, Rants | 2 Comments

Two weeks to go

It was a busy week, have neglected the blog. I don’t like to post in the wee hours like this, but fell asleep earlier in the evening, got up and now can’t seem to get back to sleep. It sounds … Continue reading

Posted in Moving, Photos | 1 Comment

four weeks before move

This past week I defrosted the refrigerator. It will probably need minor defrosting when I turn it off, but shouldn’t be large puddles now that most of the accumulation of ice is gone. I needed something not very intellectually challenging … Continue reading

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Celtic trolls terrorize concert audience

For this entry, I felt the need to add a new category, just in case someone comes to this blog via a search engine and misses the humor (or humour for the British). So, here it is, Blather. I was … Continue reading

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