Monthly Archives: March 2006


Today started with a pastel sunrise — through mist with plenty of frost on the ground but a clear sky above. By noon the temperature was over 70° F making for a georgeous day. The signs of spring are here, … Continue reading

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a spring day!

Yesterday was lovely, rather frosty in the morning but clear most of the day and temperatures got above 50° F. In the morning I spent some time on the computer but took care of some errands just to get outdoors. … Continue reading

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More snow and cold

I spoke too soon yesterday evening. Minutes after I signed off, a snow squall swung through. It made for an interesting sunset photo (above) taken at 6:45 PM. The snow remained until we had a rain shower at about 9 … Continue reading

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Robin invasion

Maybe I watched Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds too often. Several times today Bode had to go to the window when a robin was fluttering against it. Not sure if it was trying to intimidate its own reflection or if it … Continue reading

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Herding the cat

I am still learning Bode’s ways. Last night I returned from visiting the neighbors and fed Bode and Ling Ling and was about to turn in when I remembered I had left my pajamas and some shirts hanging on the … Continue reading

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