Category Archives: Asides

short posts

static page additions and updates

I have now have a “static” page of links using a Template Tag in a new page template. Also I’ve re-organized the Links menu pages. Somewhere between three and two blog posts ago Facebook seems to have stopped importing my … Continue reading

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Back to TwentyTen

Enough playing around, I have gone back to the elegant TwentyTen theme after creating a child theme and a couple new templates.

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Twenty Ten fun

I am trying different options in the new Twenty Ten WordPress theme, so don’t be surprised if the site appearance changes from visit to visit. In particular I am looking at: Using a child theme for customizing The new menus … Continue reading

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Registration closed

For a number of years I have been getting a very large proportion of spam registrations to real people. So it is with regret that I have decided to close WordPress registration on this blog. You may still subscribe through … Continue reading

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Links pages, oops…

Looks like the new Twenty Ten theme for WP 3.0 does not contain a template to display links as a page. So, for now you must use the widget in the column.

Posted in Asides, Technical | 1 Comment