Monthly Archives: August 2017

Overnight guest

Last night Tammy was working in her office and heard a bird in the entryway. This time it was a tiny sparrow fledgling. It easily fit in the palm of my hand when I picked it up. (Tammy isn’t comfortable … Continue reading

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email subscriptions

Been immersed in MailChimp for about a week now. There was a learning curve, but I’m feeling confident and it seems to be well designed. Sign up HERE.

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quest for email subscriber system

Still looking at a Feedburner replacement. Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name View previous campaigns. Powered by MailChimp

Posted in Technical | 1 Comment

Facebook angst

This morning someone I know and respect was taken in by a hoax (urban myth). I recalled first reading it in a text-only context, that is before the World Wide Web! The only major “improvement” in all those years was … Continue reading

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r.i.p. Feedburner

Because Feedburner seems to have become the unwanted stepchild at Google, I am looking at some other options for email subscribers. Check out the Subscribe section in the right column (Widget) or below the Contact Form — uses a shortlink.

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