Monthly Archives: March 2005

Day after the storm

We had our first storm of the season yesterday. The temperatures were in the 60s and in the afternoon towering cumulus clouds scudded overhead while I went out to take care of an errand. By evening the lightning was intense … Continue reading

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After having a therapeutic nice cup of tea and two force quits on Photoshop, here is a picture from yesterday. A mallard drake is in the water, click the image to see a 600 x 450 pixel version. As I … Continue reading

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Feeling of spring?

When I went out yesterday, there were only a few chunks of ice floating on the river. Lots of sun but the wind was still kind of cold. Got one of those broken link emails for Suzanne’s site, discovered that … Continue reading

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Open for blogging!

I am making the first post on Easter Sunday evening. Geoff came by with Buddy and Baby around noon, then I had an lovely Easter brunch with Pat and her family. There was sunshine most of the day, but still … Continue reading

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