Category Archives: Gardening

bye bye to June

Have had several days of haymaking weather in July!    I remember the hard work making hay was when I was growing up. Everyone in the family needed to pitch in and guaranteed there would be a weight loss. Children … Continue reading

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The fourth nest

Atticus is adjusting well to the new place. Wherever I sleep is always the first nest. While we were staying at my dad’s place, he slept on my blanket on the sofa, only going into my dad’s room one night … Continue reading

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Starting to feel like autumn

The chili pepper in the planter has ripe fruit: This planter was started on the deck at the house. Although it doesn’t get a lot of direct light here apparently the indirect light by my front door is enough. This … Continue reading

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more perennials and annuals

Mystery flowers I saw the narrow leaves with a white stripe when they came up under my raspberry bushes. I thought they might be crocuses, but the shape of the bulb wasn’t similar. I transplanted them to the new front … Continue reading

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perennial parade

Fortunately for us and the people downstream (along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers) we have had some days without rain. This avian visitor posed on the side yard fence last Friday. The kitchen window functions well as a blind, just … Continue reading

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