Monthly Archives: October 2006


I have been trying to avoid watching commercial TV as we get closer to the election. But as I surfed through the few channels that make it into the hollow, I can’t help but notice that the negative political ads … Continue reading

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Snow and sleet

That is what is flying through the air right now. I was snoozing after lunch and woke thinking it was raining. I rushed to bring in a few pieces of clothing I hung out to dry this morning. There was … Continue reading

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Canfield, part of Mike Casteel’s Klondike, is the game I play most on computers. Klondike is one of the oldest shareware games for Macintosh. [wikipedia article] I have been thinking about why I play for a while, but this morning … Continue reading

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Wild and windy

We had more glorious fall days with shirt sleeve weather, then a day of rain yesterday. This morning started mild and got colder and windier. The clouds blew away by noon, then white ragged clouds returned until now when it … Continue reading

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First frost

Bode was ready to go out to look around at the frost this morning. It wasn’t a hard one, the plants in the flower bed on the south side of the building were fine, but the squash vines on the … Continue reading

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