social networking, ahem…

This hasn’t been a banner week for me on Facebook.

Facebook equivalent of blue screen of death?

Facebook equivalent of blue screen of death?

Don't you hate rejection?

Don't you hate rejection?

Note: The above are thumbnails. If you click them you may experience some disorientation — just use your browser’s back button or history menu to return here.

So, instead of whining, since I have dedicated web hosting, lets use it. Shocking that I have not posted at all in October until today. I do find Facebook quite useful for keeping up with friends and family members, but it doesn’t do you much good if you can’t get on. The screen shots are from this morning, but this has been going on since Sunday. I was down with some kind of bug, so just let it go.

It was foggy this morning and then it rained, but we had a number of really glorious fall days this week, so can’t complain. I went out for groceries and had a short walk with Bode on Monday. After a hard freeze (30 °F in the morning) it warmed up and felt good to be out although I was having chest pain.

By Wednesday I was feeling a lot better, actually went out with Bode twice. While we were resting beside the trail, I got the camera out for some fall foliage photos and a kind gentleman offered to take a photo of me with Bode. I don’t know his name, but thank you very much, it is so good to have a picture to remember the beauty of the day.

The author and her canine companion on a glorious October day

The author and her canine companion on a glorious October day

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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