Moody June

It is a little after 9 am and I am back from the Cathedral Square farmer’s market. I got up around 7 and made a pot of tea, then while the burner was still hot, put on the cast iron skillet and made some french toast from the bread I made on Thursday. Today there were three bakery booths, generic European, Hispanic, and Mennonite.

More booths had strawberries than last Saturday, so I was able to use my favorite test to find the sweetest ones. I went by all the booths on my scooter then chose the one where I could smell the berries from the furthest distance. When they are best, pouring them from the basket into a bag will cause them to bruise. I remember when my grandparents back in PA raised stawberries, many of the customers took them in the boxes and then brought the empties back. We got 10¢ a quart for picking them. Maybe that is when I got my taste for extremely ripe ones, would eat the ones that were so ripe they would crush in a box. Berries are running about $4 for a one quart box, get some while you can.

The berries made a nice second breakfast. Simple recipe, gently tip the bag into a strainer, rinse under the tap, then eat them starting with the ripest.

I got a bunch of onions and leaf lettuce too. I wore a long skirt and a sweater, then put a windbreaker on once I got a few blocks down the street. Felt cooler than yesterday morning when I went out for milk.

Our hot, humid weather went away on Tuesday. On Wednesday it was chilly and overcast. I got up with a headache that day and kept thinking that I was missing a good day to bake bread while trying to sleep it off and keep warm in bed. Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, it may have been a virus rather than a migraine because I had a back ache and pain in my shoulders and going down my right arm as well as nausea and a rash. Didn’t get a lot done this week. It hurt to look at things, especially on the computer, so I did some stuff around the house on Thursday then did some client work yesterday. I will work on my own stuff when I feel crummy, but others get better.

Well, time to join the mito chat.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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