Bode and the bees

There are several huge bumble bees hovering around the front deck most of the day. Bode has been leaping into the air to try to catch them. He seems to be going by sound rather than sight because his forehead hair hangs over his eyes. He has touched them a couple times, but so far I don’t think he has caught one, given that they do sting.

This morning the peas were up in the flower bed. I set the seedlings for transplant after frost out to get some sun today. They seem to be doing well, just took care to water them. I’ll probably take them in tonight.

Yesterday morning I put up a bluebird box my folks weren’t using on the telephone pole across the road, then went shopping. Wanted to get some window boxes and pots, onion sets, and needed milk too. When I pulled in before noon I saw a male bluebird fly from the box. I guess they were ready to nest.

The little goldfinches have been such fun to watch, and with the purple and house finches who also visit the “bird café” in the birch tree, decided to splurge on some thistle seed. Mother gave me a feeder they don’t use any more. The first customer was the red-bellied woodpecker! Once he decided that sunflower seeds were more to his liking, the finches had lined up and commenced to feed. They have been visiting steadily since.

We have a few clouds today and are to get rain later, but it has been a totally glorious spring week. My TV has been sputtering out and last night it died. It is hard to believe that at over age 50, it was only my second set, the first was stolen. I felt like lying down around noon and started to turn it on. Guess it was mainly habit.

Oops, amost forgot…

Happy Earth Day!

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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