The lost dog

the lost shaggy dog

I first saw him as I was sitting on the porch eating supper last Friday. Yeah, a picnic lunch and dinner in January, strange but enjoyable weather. I saw a patch in the field across the hollow which seemed to move. I got out my bird watching binoculars, a rummage sale find from ages ago and had a look. It was a dog.

The farmer down the road wanted to make sure it wasn’t a coyote. They have been a problem in this hollow. The dog wouldn’t be coaxed down.

I saw him again on Sunday morning then Monday evening after I returned from a funeral. My next door neighbor went over to take a look, this time the dog was willing to leave the field. Hunger may have been a factor, but he seemed to welcome human companionship. He has been staying on my front porch. He seems to expect me to lead him home every time I go out, very sad. Can’t help but feel that someone is looking for him.

Does anyone know what breed he might be? That would be helpful in checking with the vets and animal shelters.

full shot of dog

He is medium size, about the size and build of a border collie, has a Benjie face. Very wooly fur and placid personality. Looks like a small sheep. I have yet to hear him make any sound. Is there a particular breed of dog that doesn’t bark?

Ling Ling still has a bad attitude about dogs, so I can’t bring the dog indoors.

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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1 Response to The lost dog

  1. Kathy says:

    My friend Jean suggested that Bode is a Bearded Collie, see June 2007 blog entries.

    I have contacted the Pittsburgh Bearded Collie Rescue organization.

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