Monthly Archives: August 2007

Back to school week

Earlier in the week, I lit a candle when I was out on the deck, then decided to try to take a picture. I didn’t quite get it right, then on a walkies with Bode remembered that I neglected to … Continue reading

Posted in Blather, Cooking, Photos, Rants, Technical | Comments Off on Back to school week

After the rains

Only one of the sunflowers toppled, and it looks OK tied up. The last sunflower is starting to open. There have been a lot of bumble bees on them. Hope they can pollinate lots of seeds. My memories are of … Continue reading

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When I was restless on Thursday and Friday figured something was going on, then when I woke up yesterday morning, knew it was a migraine coming. It was cool when I took Bode out for a walk. The yard sale … Continue reading

Posted in Rants, Technical | Comments Off on blah

getting back into the routine

This morning it was cloudy and cool. When Bode took me out for a walk, we saw a bunch of teens running on the bike path followed by a man on a bicycle. When we went out to visit the … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, General, Photos | Comments Off on getting back into the routine


I took this picture of the only open sunflower yesterday. It is the shortest one, the others are now over 2 feet above the top of the fence, so may need a ladder to get up to them once the … Continue reading

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