Category Archives: Rants

Outrage, absurdities, etc. often political

Facebook angst

This morning someone I know and respect was taken in by a hoax (urban myth). I recalled first reading it in a text-only context, that is before the World Wide Web! The only major “improvement” in all those years was … Continue reading

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The fourth nest

Atticus is adjusting well to the new place. Wherever I sleep is always the first nest. While we were staying at my dad’s place, he slept on my blanket on the sofa, only going into my dad’s room one night … Continue reading

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Surviving July

Breakfast this morning was corn meal mush, black tea with milk and sugar, cranberry juice, and a probiotic capsule. I cooked the mush sitting down, with a brand new induction cooktop. Being able to sit was nice because of after … Continue reading

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FB frustration

This is the second day in a row that I have given up on trying to catch up on Facebook. This time I was only able to go back 17 hours on the newsfeed. I switched from Safari to Firefox … Continue reading

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Verizon Mobile Hot Spot firmware updates – PowerPC Mac incompatibility

It has been almost a month since I got the account with Verizon. After compatibility problems with their USB Wireless Modem, I settled on their Mobile Hot Spot (MiFi). Worked OK until this morning when I tried to connect to … Continue reading

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