Monthly Archives: May 2006

Stretch of bad hair days leads to biscuit frenzy

Biscuit, gimme biscuit… Bode has been under stress since I last updated the blog. We have had a long spell of cool, damp weather. When your whole body is covered in hairs up to five inches long, a bad hair … Continue reading

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Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Not a lot of Hispanic/Latino folk nearby, but bears celebration anyway. On Sunday Bode broke his collar when he put on a spurt of power to chase Tim’s tractor as he pulled a manure spreader by. Fortunately I got him … Continue reading

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rites of spring iii

The blog has suffered, but most of last week it was more appealing to be outdoors watching the dandelion blossoms open to greet the sun. It is so nice here not to have to breathe lawn chemical stench. More below… … Continue reading

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