Monthly Archives: April 2007

The move continues…

I mentioned in a post to a support group last week that I was writing from a new location. Someone wrote back asking how I accomplished a move with mitochondrial myopathy. The answer, of course, was that the move was … Continue reading

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moving to the “wee hoosie”

Took a van full of stuff when I picked up the keys on Sunday and took another load yesterday. Bode came along for his first look inside yesterday. What a trooper, he sniffed everything very carefully, then assumed his “library … Continue reading

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Still cold

This morning we have frost and a pastel sun shining through mist. Yesterday morning this time we were having snow squalls:  

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Just a quick post today. There was snow on the ground this morning! It is windy too, not very comfortable compared to recent weather. I suppose if we had a green Christmas, it is only fair that Easter is white.

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Yesterday morning it was clear with a setting full moon and streams of mist flowing through the hollow. Bode has been getting up at 6:30 am, when the school bus goes by. The headlights show the mist well. It was … Continue reading

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