Monthly Archives: January 2008

multinational tea bags

It has been a while since I had a good rant, so here goes. This started with a compromise. I haven’t been feeling the best since early last fall. On top of everything else, I didn’t seem to be properly … Continue reading

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more seasonable temperatures

This photo is from yesterday around noon, it was windy but beautiful. It was in the mid-40s yesterday, then in the 30s today but it felt warmer with no wind. I got up early yesterday and then was pretty much … Continue reading

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summer in January

It was in the high 60s today with blue skies most of the day. I am tired and my legs hurt, but Bode and I got out to “go walkies” both this morning and this afternoon. It felt warmer outdoors … Continue reading

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It was rather slow going this morning. Bode needed to go out just before midnight then again later. Two nights ago he needed to go out several times. He is really good about getting my attention, even when he doesn’t … Continue reading

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Rainy day

This was the scene this morning — corn meal pancakes on the griddle, nice cup of tea, and Bode waiting patiently for his bite of pancake. We went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon even though it was to be warmer today. … Continue reading

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