Monthly Archives: December 2007

happy day after boxing day

We didn’t have any snow for Christmas this year, but had spectacular sunsets every evening starting on Saturday. The picture above is from Christmas Eve.

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solstice flowers

Yesterday afternoon I was moving around enough to go out with Bode for a mid-afternoon walk. I came down with another migraine on Wednesday. Although it was pleasant and the sun was out, it was low in the sky. There … Continue reading

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winter twilight

  It was 20°F this morning, but the sun came out and it looked like a lot of the snow we had from the storm that started on Sunday melted. Yesterday the walk with Bode was short, it was icy … Continue reading

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Look what you can with Slashdot: Seems to make the page load a bit slower.

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little projects

One of the coping strategies I have found useful is to try to do something productive each day, no matter how small a task. On Tuesday, the project was giving Bode a bath. Grooming him is usually fairly pleasant. He … Continue reading

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