Monthly Archives: May 2011 comes through

Back in January 2008 I was frustrated in trying to get information, ended up writing a rant: multinational tea bags. has come through. Today they had a link on their Facebook page entitled Nylon Tea Bags.

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static page additions and updates

I have now have a “static” page of links using a Template Tag in a new page template. Also I’ve re-organized the Links menu pages. Somewhere between three and two blog posts ago Facebook seems to have stopped importing my … Continue reading

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tea pot rotation

A couple weeks ago I switched from using a Japanese porcelain pot I had been using over the winter to an unglazed, earthy Yixing replica pot shown above. There is a capacity difference, the porcelain pot easily held 23 oz … Continue reading

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more perennials and annuals

Mystery flowers I saw the narrow leaves with a white stripe when they came up under my raspberry bushes. I thought they might be crocuses, but the shape of the bulb wasn’t similar. I transplanted them to the new front … Continue reading

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perennial parade

Fortunately for us and the people downstream (along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers) we have had some days without rain. This avian visitor posed on the side yard fence last Friday. The kitchen window functions well as a blind, just … Continue reading

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