Monthly Archives: November 2006

Hunting, gambling, weather, etc.

Who would believe we would be having shirt sleeve weather at the end of November? It was in the 60’s yesterday afternoon. I took advantage of it by shopping in the afternoon and am feeling it this morning. Some light … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving 2006

Haven’t put up a sunset photo for a while, about time to make a post. We have had our share of gray, cool, rainy days in November, along with a light snow one morning. The last two days have been … Continue reading

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Broadband – wooeee!

Here it is, the iBook connected to Wayport at McDonald’s — broadband and fries, can’t get much better than that! Turned out to be incredibly simple, hardest part was locating the printed directions (look by the ketchup dispensor). I am … Continue reading

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Quando nascette Ninno

Even with a dialup internet connection, I have found that the BBC Radio Player works, as long as I use Safari instead of Firefox. Yesterday morning I was listening to the October 29 Early Music Show and heard a familiar … Continue reading

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