rainy afternoon

Paying attention to Bode paid off today. It is raining heavily now and there is fog just above the rooftops. We have been walking in the afternoon. When he wanted to go out at 11 am, about an hour ago, it wasn’t even drizzling. So, we took our time and didn’t get wet.

Our neighbor Mary called out when she saw us. She told a story of how Roman, the Yorkshire Terrier, had recently taken on a skunk while out walking with her son in law and the yellow Lab, Emma. Fortunately no one got sprayed or injured. You could tell Roman knew his exploits were the subject of discussion though as he pranced around. For such a tiny dog, he sure has a lot of spirit. Terriers are not just lap dogs!

About Kathy

Perl, MySQL, CGI scripting, web design, graphics following careers as an analytical chemist and educator, then in IT as a database administrator (DBA), programmer, and server administrator. Diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy in 1997.
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