About page

I originally set up this web site in February 2004 to promote my consulting business. A secondary purpose was as a platform to try new ideas for web design and scripting that I could pass on to clients. Then I started adding knitting and thread crochet information in a subdomain and found a number of kindred souls. This site is a convenient place to display photographs, both scans of old ones from an early 1950s vintage 35mm and a newer digital camera. After the first year, I decided this should just be my site.

Milwaukee skyline, 8 March 2004

Milwaukee skyline from Park East corridor, 8 March 2004

Kathy A. Graff consulting services is my sole-proprietor business. It was located in the Chalet at the River building in downtown Milwaukee WI USA September 1995 through September 2005. Computer consulting began around 1990 while I was still working full time as a scientist and living on Milwaukee's East Side. My computer experience dates from 1969, when I took a Fortran IV course and learned programming on mainframes. [C.V. and Résumé]

A big thank you to the vendors and open source volunteers who provide tools that make using computers a joy.

Download Perl Made on a Mac Built with BBEdit Powered by MySQL

This site contains dynamically generated pages in addition to static HTML. My favorites use Perl scripts with to make templates which are supplied with content by using the DBI module to connect to MySQL databases.

Financial disclosure stuff

For books that I have owned and found useful, I provide links to Amazon where they may be bought used or new. I get a small referral fee for providing this service.

In Association with

This web site is on hosted on DreamHost on a shared server. (I get some compensation for referrals.) DreamHost offers shell access, which is becoming increasingly rare. Click the link to see the latest goodies. They just keep getting better!

DreamHost referral button

DreamHost has a program for cash rewards for referrals. Clicking the button above registers me as the person who referred you.

Donations accepted

If you feel this site has been useful and want to help maintain it, please consider helping with the costs of running it. Minimum donation is US$0.50, not tax deductable. There is a processing fee of 5% plus $0.30 deducted from donations. By contributing this way you can be assured that I am not using the money to support my tea or chocolate habits.

Donate towards my web hosting bill!